
A few days ago I stumbled upon a post somewhere that said about starting a log book for work so they could see where their time had been spent. I thought this was a neat idea so I took to starting my own. Problem is that even though a text or markdown file would have more than sufficed, I took this as an oportunity to learn some LaTeX. After an evening or so’s fiddling about, I am proud to show you the template for my logbook (which could easily be adapted into a diary):

Update And Problem Solving

First off a quite update. I got two days into writing a new post every night and then had a small family emergency on the third night in so I put a temporary hold on them. I am starting them back up again now. Now for the fun bit. Problem Solving. This post is not all about the process of problem solving and the processes you can apply, it’s more about just using your brain.