Work Rate
Todays post is not code related but about the mentality with which I code at my optimal.
Recently I have noticed when working that the size of my work list directly correlates to the speed with which I work. Basically if I have a short list I seem to work a lot more slowly than if I have long list.
This problem doesn’t exist for me when working in proper sprints because I have a deadline and know when I am about to get more work. I think my issue is that I don’t like not having anything to do, so I slow down when I don’t know if/when I’m getting more work.
Having worked as a Scrum Master and working without Scrum at all, I can tell you that Scrum works wonders for productivity and keeping the workload consistant and at the same time it doesn’t seem unending. Some places that I have worked at seem to mistake using an issue tracker such as Jira or TFS means they are doing Scrum and Sprints which is a massive shame.
Does anyone else have a similar problem?
Thanks for reading!