First Post

This is my first post on my new blog! I’ve managed to port all of my old ones across but there might be some small formatting errors on them. Next week I will have a new post up with my full stack, Cordova, Angular, Erlang and RaspberryPi remote control. Looking forward to finishing it up this week!

Ember JS and Cordova Experiences and Plans

First off, sorry for the post being a day late! I've been swamped with work and a lot of personal stuff. I hope this post can be of use to some of you though! Lately, I have been writing small phone apps that do some fairly useful stuff for me. Like keeping a track on my long term injury pain and other stuff of that nature. The use these apps I've been using Ember CLI and Cordova for my technology stack.

My thoughts On Exception Handling

This weeks post is a short one due to time constraints. This is going to be a bit of a brain dump on things that are in my head at the moment. I need to put some time into researching standards for exception handling. In C# I have seen many different ways to handle exceptions, some good, some not so good. I have also been introduced to the Erlang philosophy of let it crash.

Erlang UDP Server and C++ SFML Client

Introduction This week I’ve decided to see how well an Erlang UDP Server plays with other languages such as C++. This is to test a current theory of mine which is that Erlang could be used to create a great server for a multiplayer game.  My theory is based on Erlang’s concurrent nature and its past in telecoms and uptime. The language was designed to handle millions of concurrent users/processes so it should be more than equipped for a small multiplayer game.

Why using EmberJS without EmberCLI is a Terrible Idea.

EmberJS is a front end javascript framework for writing single page web applications. It follows an MVC programming pattern. It is very similar to AngularJS and other similar frameworks. One thing I believe sets EmberJS apart from the alternatives is the Ember-CLI project. Ember CLI is exactly what is says on the tin; a Command Line Interface for Ember applications. It has a lot of fantastic features such as: app folder structure, naming conventions, dependency management, continuous compiling and unit testing.

Adventures in Erlang

Since I taught myself to program computers, I’ve always used OOP languages. My first language was C++ but once I’d learned the very basics I soon moved to C# to develop XNA games and throughout my time at university and work I never really came across the functional paradigm for more than a paragraph or two. Sometime last year I made a few futile attempts to learn Haskell. My problem was I didn’t understand the problem I was trying to solve.